Welcome to VictoryFarm@Rooftop Malaysia

Welcome to the member’s portal for all our valued customers! We want to ensure that your experience with us is as smooth as possible, so before you proceed, please take a moment to update your information, such as your name and shipping address, under “My Account

Once you’re in, feel free to take your time exploring the site and getting to know all of its features.

If you have any questions or concerns, our customer service team is here to help. You can reach out to us by filling out the contact form, emailing us at customer.service@victoryfarmatrooftop.com, or chatting with us live. We’ll be sure to get back to you as soon as we can.

Thank you for choosing Victory Farm and happy growing!

Members Portal Walk Thru

How to Top Up Credits

A Warm Welcome From The Founder.

Hi VPartners, welcome to your Member’s Portal. I want to express my gratitude for your support and share with you a story that I believe will aid in your growing success.

My 7-year-old son saw his friends riding their bicycles without side wheels and having lots of fun in the playground. He turned to me and said, “Papa, I also want a bicycle.” I told him, “Ok, you can buy one with your own money.” And he replied, “Ok, I’ll use my own savings.” So, we went and bought a new bicycle for him, which cost a few hundred dollars, but he was happy to pay for it.

At first, he was excited to have a new bike, but to his disappointment, he kept falling and falling. He cried foul, saying the bike was no good and not as claimed by the shop. He felt very upset with the bike because he kept falling, suffered from scratches and bruises, and even bleeding. He said he wanted to give up.

This is what I said to him: “Son, it’s not the bike’s problem. You’re not used to the bike. You have to first learn how to balance with the bike. And in fact, you will have to fall and fail many times in order for you to successfully balance yourself and then ride the bike.”

For 3 days, I accompanied him. I held his body and the bike, just like any other parent would do, giving him a helping hand. Did he fall? Yes, he did, again and again. But because he was persistent enough, he began to understand what I was teaching him. He began to get the hang of it. At the end of the 3rd day, he was able to ride the bike all by himself. He was a happy boy.

This story serves as a reminder that success is not always immediate and sometimes requires perseverance and guidance. Just like our VGROWers who may experience growing issues, but with the help of our customer service, they will ultimately succeed. The same applies to life, where we may face obstacles, but if we don’t give up and continue to try, we will eventually see breakthroughs and achieve success.


Gary Law — Founder & CEO