WHY Grow Nutrient-Packed Baby Greens with VGROW TOWER?

WHY Grow Nutrient-Packed Baby Greens with VGROW TOWER?

March 4, 2023 Uncategorized 0

Are you looking for a healthy way to add more nutrients to your diet? Consider adding baby greens to your meals! Not only are they delicious, but they’re also packed with essential vitamins and minerals.

Studies have shown that consuming baby greens may help lower blood pressure due to their high content of nitrates. One study found that consuming 200 grams of baby spinach per day for 12 weeks resulted in an average 11% reduction in systolic blood pressure and a 7% reduction in diastolic blood pressure. Keep in mind that individual results may vary based on factors like diet and lifestyle.

So, what kind of nutrients can you expect from a serving of baby greens? On average, a cup of mixed baby greens (about 50 grams) contains:

  • Vitamin A: 2,555 IU (51% of daily value)
  • Vitamin C: 13.2 mg (22% of daily value)
  • Vitamin K: 97.5 mcg (122% of daily value)
  • Folate: 58.5 mcg (15% of daily value)
  • Iron: 1.24 mg (7% of daily value)
  • Calcium: 40.5 mg (4% of daily value)
  • Potassium: 243 mg (5% of daily value)

These values may vary based on the specific types and amounts of greens consumed, but it’s clear that baby greens are a great source of important vitamins and minerals.

Beyond their nutritional value, baby greens are also easy to grow at home with the VGROW TOWER. This vertical farming system can accommodate up to 60 plants in just 2.5 square feet of space, making it perfect for small apartments or homes. With the VGROW TOWER, you can grow your own baby greens, including spinach, arugula, lettuce, kale, and chard, all year round.

Here’s how to grow baby greens with the VGROW TOWER:

  1. Choose your seeds: Select the types of baby greens you want to grow and order the seeds online or purchase them at your local gardening store.

  2. Fill the tower: Fill the VGROW TOWER with the appropriate growing medium, such as VGermimix, an organic substrate.

  3. Plant the seeds: Plant the seeds according to the instructions provided with the seed package. Make sure to space them out properly to avoid overcrowding.

  4. Water the plants: with VGROW TOWER the plants are auto-watered regularly, taking care not to overwater or underwater.

  5. Harvest the greens: Once the baby greens are fully grown, simply pick them from the tower and enjoy in your favorite meals.

Incorporating baby greens into your diet is a simple and delicious way to boost your nutrient intake. And with the VGROW TOWER, growing your own baby greens at home has never been easier.

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